Blog 4

Jacob Burton
Desma 9
                                                                      Blog 4

          The human body has been a interest in artists and their work for many years. This mainly started with human dissection and an interest to understand what's in the human body and how does it function. Human dissection and the human anatomy is where art and medicine really combined with each other. Dating all the way back to the renaissance period. These doctors, artists and medical workers worked to try to figure out the anatomy of the human body so they would be able to represent it and publish it correctly. Henry Gray is known as one of the pioneers of the human anatomy. He published his book, Gray's anatomy. He intended for the medical community to use it but almost all artists use it. One example of the medical influence on an art project is the visible human project. This project details data sets of cross sections throughout the whole human body. This is very inspirational to many artists. Another project that involved medical influence is the Human Genome Project. This project's purpose was to identify all 25,000genes in the human DNA and the DNA's sequence. I especially found this project interesting as it beat the governement to decoding the human genome.   


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