Blog 6
Jacob Burton
Desma 9
Blog 6
This week we looked at Biotechnology and art. This weeks topic seemed to be the most controversial lecture and section yet, such experimentation with animals, hybrids between species and other controversial topics. Another example of this is genomes in food. Me personally, researching this, I am torn on using GMOs. The pros of using GMOs is that the flavors can be enhanced and be greater. Using GMOs also prevents diseases to the plants and food. They also create more nutritional benefits. However, there are some cons to using GMOs. One example is the environmental damage it creates. Another con is that in many cases it causes people to have allergic reaction to these foods. Still after researching this, I am torn on the use of GMOs.
In the lectures, she described how bio technology genetics and technology artists have entered into laboratories working directly with biologists and neurologists. Throughout this lecture, she also described bio-art. In bio-art, some artists believe that you must work with tissues directly and there is more debate on how animals were used in bio art. Joe Davis, is considered the pioneer of biotechnology and art. He had many ideas that many scientists called crazy and dangerous. One example of this is when he came up with ideas such as sequencing of amino acids that scientists didn't trust. He was also very interested with the side of the info gene translated by the machinery of human beings into meaning and not by machinery of cells into protein. He even wanted to send information to aliens and extraterrestrials. Overall, Joe Davis seemed like a crazy, but incredibly smart pioneer for biotechnology in art.
Desma 9
Blog 6
This week we looked at Biotechnology and art. This weeks topic seemed to be the most controversial lecture and section yet, such experimentation with animals, hybrids between species and other controversial topics. Another example of this is genomes in food. Me personally, researching this, I am torn on using GMOs. The pros of using GMOs is that the flavors can be enhanced and be greater. Using GMOs also prevents diseases to the plants and food. They also create more nutritional benefits. However, there are some cons to using GMOs. One example is the environmental damage it creates. Another con is that in many cases it causes people to have allergic reaction to these foods. Still after researching this, I am torn on the use of GMOs.
In the lectures, she described how bio technology genetics and technology artists have entered into laboratories working directly with biologists and neurologists. Throughout this lecture, she also described bio-art. In bio-art, some artists believe that you must work with tissues directly and there is more debate on how animals were used in bio art. Joe Davis, is considered the pioneer of biotechnology and art. He had many ideas that many scientists called crazy and dangerous. One example of this is when he came up with ideas such as sequencing of amino acids that scientists didn't trust. He was also very interested with the side of the info gene translated by the machinery of human beings into meaning and not by machinery of cells into protein. He even wanted to send information to aliens and extraterrestrials. Overall, Joe Davis seemed like a crazy, but incredibly smart pioneer for biotechnology in art.
Jacob, I agree that this subject is very controversial which can make this topic very difficult to talk about openly. The thing I enjoyed about your blog was that you brought in GMOs into the topic, something I did not think about when talking about biotechnology. I have an opinion that biotech using animals and human bodies is not ethical, however food is a different topic and GMOs do not hurt society as much as other forms of bioart.