Event 1

Jacob Burton
Desma 9

                    Event 1

    The event that I choose to attend for the first part of the quarter was a workshop with Linda Weintraub. I attended this event on April 19th, at the 5:00 session. This workshop really opened my eyes to how dependent we are on materialistic items and how big a part of our lives they really are. Mrs. Weintraub started off by telling a story about this contraption that an artist created that simulated and replicated a human digestive system. She described how it would take in real, human food, digest it, and turn it into feces. She said the artist’s purpose of this was that he wanted to show us how just how rapidly technology is evolving and how we should be careful to not lose the human element in ourselves and in this technological process. She then went on to describe the workshop she had for us. Mrs. Weintraub described how she had went around her area of upstate New York into the wilderness and collected various nature items such as leaves, sticks, animals bones, along with many others. In her workshop she had us feel around and experience all these different natural materials  such as stepping on them, feeling them with our hands, smelling them, and had us experience different objectives with them as well. Through this exercise, I was able to understand how dependent we are on materialistic items and how we have lost touch with the true beauty of nature and all that it offers.  



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