Jacob Burton
Desma 9

                    Blog Assignment 2

    In math and science, generally there is a right and wrong or a clear idea of the problem or equation. There’s numbers, formulas, and theories that can be logically proved with facts and solutions. Art is different however, as it is usually left for the audience’s interpretation to understand the piece of art. Even though they may not seem related, math has had a huge impact on science and art whether it be in history or in the modern world.
One example of this is Josef Albers. Albers was a German-born American artist who used math and art to show his work and is pieces. Albers created many different artworks that involved illusions using cubes. He also created many abstract paintings that involved shapes and illusion. In order to complete these, he had to incorporate math into his paintings.
Math has also influenced science in many ways. One way math has influenced science is by trying to learn and understand the universe. The universe is rational so it requires mathematics to solve and understand the workings of the universe. Another way mat has influenced science is through computer science. One example of the is breaking the Enigma code in WWII. Breaking the Enigma code allowed math to be used to help adapt the use of computers in the future.   

Josef Albers “Wrestling”

Josef Albers, Color Study for White LIne Square



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